創意被認為是新世代競爭力的重要來源,而好的設計作品,可以說是創意的最佳表述!設計界公認的指標性大獎之一,影響力橫跨歐美、亞洲地區的美國IDA國際設計獎(International Design Awards),每年均評選出兼具「創新」與「創意」的頂尖設計作品,吸引來自全球的知名設計師與設計新銳參賽,為業界注入源源不絕的創造力。
2020 IDA室內設計類 銀獎作品
獲獎者 丰彤設計
本案為老屋再生案例,丰彤設計從老舊社區中的一處美好端景作為開啟。其原始建築被1.2米高的圍牆包圍,保持這個狀態已有50年之久,設計團隊將圍牆拆除,以創建一個空間開闊的前院。新的混凝土圍牆形成了別樣風光,而且透過室外綠牆圍塑的綠色植栽,改善了空間的舒適度,同時降低熱輻射和碳排放。 現在,辦公室已變成一個開放的空間,將人們和社區和諧地聯繫在了一起。
The original building was besieged by a 1.2 meters high wall for 50 years. With the belief of every business is part of the community, the high walls are teared down to create an open, harmonized front yard. The new fair-faced concrete wall and white Corian oval chairs have formed up an artistic scenery. The two exterior walls of the office have been transformed to Vertical Gardens, improving the comfortability of the urban environment reducing heat radiation and carbon emission. The office has now turned into an open garden connecting people while creating a friendly spot in the community.
2020 IDA建築設計類 銀獎作品
獲獎者 文域設計
The design team created for OWSPACE, owned by media people, a bookstore of authenticity and substance, a forum of knowledge dispersion and discourse, a good design to launch their flag store. The façade unfolded like an ancient Chinese scroll. Layouts all catered to cultural uses. Arched bookshelves and reconfigured path structures made way for natural lighting. French windows ushered outdoor greenery in during the day and indoor illumination out at night.
1. 協助報名全球各大室內設計獎項,包含德國紅點、德國iF、義大利A’Design Award國際設計大獎、美國IDA國際設計大獎、日本Good Design Award、韓國 K-Design Award、APIDA 亞太區室內設計大獎及各城市設計獎項等。
2. 請來電02-2706-8111分機16。或email至[email protected]